Tuesday, October 21, 2008


In a Certain way i planned after Melt! Festival, to write more for my Blog, what happened with this plan, one can easy test with scrolling diown.. as good as nothing ;)

Well but those days were pretty stressful.. Especially through moving into a new flat in Jena (Yeah i searched for a flat in Jena, while semester beginning, I KNOW WHAT HELL IS LIKE), not that easy in a city with so many students and less empty space, to find a good flat.

Anyhow i found by accident some fellow sufferers and we decieded to found a shared-flat in Weimar (15 minutes by train to Jena, so its no problem).
Meanwhile we live in Weimar-West and in this time, i really love it.

First, my flat-mates are really international (Hitomi from Japan, Nedal From Israel and Ari from.. well Eisenach) and second, Weimar has a lot of culture and historic background, so its got an own pulse.. really like dresden in this mixture.
I recognized how i called Thuringia "my home" 2 months before, Dresden was everytime "my home" and Jena "the town where i study".

Anyway, its just transitional, because the plan is to be next summer in Indonesia.. it just depends on the Visa, i hope i will get.
Yes.. love is making me go far away. I really hope everything will happen like its planned ;)

Generally: studies began again, but my plan, really looks good.. Except for wednesday, no lectures before noon, every friday off from uni.. looks really good.

Well right now life turned really better.. only thing i need is a job in Weimar, then (almost) everything will be perfect..

I hope i will be able to blog more in future... depends on my stress Level

Thursday, October 09, 2008

You can find me in a church like this....

I swear.. if Church here yould be like this, i'd been there every sunday :o)


BTW: its NO FAKE! ! !