
Thats the word, describing the last weekend perfect!
2 months full of anticipation, 2 months of waiting for THIS weekend. MELT Festival, the time has come!
We started 9 am at Dresden main station.. (wanted to be there soon) well after a few hours of travelling by train, we arrived in Dessau. Just a short break for shopping and getting some food and then entering a regional bus. But the bus driver said: 'NO you have too much of luggage.. you have shuttle busses.. take these!' and started driving with 2 people in the bus.
Well so
Okay there were shuttles but 2 busses in one hour for 5.000 to 8.000 people is waaay too little.
Well after 4 hours of waiting for our bus, we did it.. we arrived at Ferropolis camping place.
Built up our tents (which was not fast enough for one of us, so he got on ALONE, while the others struggled with the tents.. GREAT!)
Changed our tickets, met Oli again because he lost his perforated part from the ticket.. standing around again, waiting again, hoped, cursed, and so on.
well till this moment we missed unfortunately Markus Kavka, Fotos and Dúné (NOOOOOOOO!)
Well after heavy rain and lot of trouble there was... more rain! Waited wet to the bones 90 minutes in front of the main stage. But When KATE NASH finally got on stage and played 'Mariella', then the wonderful song 'Birds' and i forgot and at the latest while she played 'Mouthwash' EVERITHING was forgot.
wet to the bones - don't matter!
totally chilled through - don't matter!
missed two of three must-see acts - DON'T MATTER (yes while waiting, 'does it offend you yeah' played at another stage)
After, the absolute highlight: EDITORS!
Try to imagine: two overburden excavators, 20 to 30 metres high, each to the left and the right side of the stage, an overwhelming laser show, full moon, and clouds sometimes covering the moon. as if this is not great enough, the wonderful voice of the terrific Tom Smith!
I forgot for a while where i am, just closed my eyes, danced in full extasy.
Saturday was great.. after sleeping 2 hours, we raved, danced, got totally wet again, saved our tent, it was ALL wet.. the tent: a puddle in it. :'(
Wonderful was the Audiolith-Rave at the car-lot.. unfortunately without free-beer and without brawl. But broke-up Disco! woah it was great:
hey you see this freak at the beginning down there? ;)
Sunday was cool.
Good weather.. Main stage, Sun without end, laying down, chilling.
there is nothing better than live-music, summer and a beer in combination!
We seen Los Campesinos (great) Neon Neon (absurd but awesome) Get well soon (very beautiful.. wonderful lyrics with a melancholic sound) Battles (well not my type of music)
and Hot Chip. They did a really great show.. danced without a morning!
All in all It was really stressful, but the pleasure we got compensated everything.
Well next year we go again, and i hope to see you there ;)
It was worth of all ;)